Keep your immune system strong this winter with Amacx Supplements

Keep your immune system strong this winter with Amacx Supplements

Jan 22, 2025

As the days grow shorter and colder, and your workouts take place outside in the rain and chill, staying healthy and training effectively can become more challenging. During this time of year, a cold or the flu is more likely to strike, but with the right nutrition and the support of supplements, you can keep your immune system strong and stay fit and healthy. Here’s how you can ensure your immune system stays strong this winter.

A Healthy Immune System in Winter

A strong immune system is essential year-round, but during the winter months, it may need a little extra support. Colds and the flu are more common during this season, so it's important to keep your immune system in top shape. To support your immune system, a healthy and varied diet is crucial. Make sure you consume 200-250 grams of vegetables daily, two pieces of fruit, whole grains, dairy, and a handful of nuts. These foods help maintain a healthy immune system, especially during the winter. However, keep in mind that supplements should never replace a poor diet!

Vitamin D and Your Immune System

As you may have read in a previous blog, Vitamin D plays a key role in supporting the immune system. Since the sun's strength is insufficient in the winter months to trigger Vitamin D production in the body, many people are at risk of a Vitamin D deficiency. It’s difficult to get enough Vitamin D from food alone, especially in the winter (October through April). Therefore, it’s recommended to keep your Vitamin D levels in check by taking 25 to 75 micrograms of Vitamin D daily. This is easily achieved by adding 1 to 3 drops of Amacx Vitamin D3 drops to your drink or meal.

Multivitamins for a Healthy Immune System

If you’re unsure whether you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals from your regular diet, especially if you have a limited or unbalanced intake, the Amacx Sport Multi can provide the assurance you need. Many vitamins, such as Vitamin C, B6, and D, play an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system. Unlike many other multivitamins on the market, Amacx Sport Multi offers exactly 100% of the recommended daily amount. With just one capsule per day, you get the nutrients you need without overloading yourself, which can sometimes be detrimental to your health and training results.

Zinc for Your Immune System

Zinc is an essential mineral that can help support your immune system in specific situations. Scientific studies show that zinc can shorten the duration of a cold or flu, or even help prevent it. If you start to experience symptoms like a blocked nose or a sore throat, Amacx Zinc lozenges can provide fast relief. These lozenges are directly absorbed through the saliva, allowing them to quickly target your upper respiratory system. At the first signs of illness, start taking 1 lozenge every 2 to 3 hours.


  • Healthy and varied nutrition is the foundation for a strong immune system.
  • Supplements can be a valuable addition to your diet during the winter months to support your immune system.
  • A daily intake of 25 to 75 micrograms of Vitamin D can prevent a winter deficiency, as sunlight is insufficient for Vitamin D production during this time.
  • A multivitamin can help ensure you’re getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals, especially if your diet is limited or unbalanced.
  • Zinc lozenges can help prevent or shorten the duration of a cold and offer quick immune support when symptoms appear.

With the right nutrition and the support of Amacx supplements, you’ll be well-prepared to stay healthy and keep your immune system strong throughout the winter months.

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