

Amacx Creatine

Amacx Creatine acts as a source of energy for your muscles, especially during short, powerful efforts like sprinting. In these rapid actions, your body utilizes creatine phosphate to generate energy. However, this reserve is limited and needs swift replenishment. Amacx Creatine aids in refilling this reserve, allowing you to maximize your training efforts.

  • 100% pure creatine monohydrate
  • 1 serving is 5 grams of pure creatine
  • Improves performance during explosive power efforts
  • NZVT approved

For optimal effect, take Creatine Hydrate before or immediately after an explosive power effort, preferably during or immediately after a hot meal.

Recommended use: Mix 1 level 5-gram scoop (1 scoop = 5 grams) with 250 ml of water or fruit juice, for example. Preferably take during or just after a warm meal.

· Take 1-2 doses per day

To quickly benefit from creatine, you should start with a loading phase, in which you take +/- 20 grams of creatine per day for 6 days (4 x 5 grams (1 scoop)).

Afterwards, you can maintain this by taking 5 grams daily for a longer period of time (10-12 weeks). If you have more time, take 5 grams per day (1 scoop) constantly.

Creatine, 5g, 10g

Ingredients: Creatine monohydrate. Pure form of creatine monohydrate. This product contains no excipients.

Warnings: Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store in the original container in a dark, dry place (8-25 °C), out of the reach of young children.

Frequently asked question

Creatine is an important part of the energy that our muscles use for very fast and powerful movements. For example, when we do something very short and fast, like sprinting for a few seconds, our body uses creatine to make energy.

We have enough phosphate in our body, which is necessary for this process. But the amount of creatine can sometimes be too little. So, the more creatine we have in our body, the more energy we can make for these kinds of fast efforts. This is like having a bigger tank of fuel for these kinds of fast actions.

Read more about the performance benefits here.

Research shows that when people take creatine, they become better at activities that require a lot of energy for about 30 seconds. This is especially useful for sports where you suddenly have to be very powerful, such as team sports, short sprints in athletics, track cycling, BMX, swimming, and for people who do a lot of strength training.

Creatine also helps with short, powerful moments during longer sports activities, such as the final sprint in a bike race.

When athletes use creatine, their muscles often retain more fluid. This can cause them to become 1 to 2 kilos heavier. This extra weight can be a disadvantage, especially in sports where you have to persevere for a long time, such as long running or cycling competitions. However, if the athlete stops taking creatine, he or she usually loses this extra fluid within a few days.

Creatine offers several benefits for endurance athletes, including cyclists. One of the most important effects of creatine is that it helps improve performance during short, intense efforts. This is ideal, for example, when you want to win a sprint or quickly close a gap.

In addition, creatine can contribute to muscle growth, especially when combined with strength training. This makes it an effective supplement during the build-up phase of your training program, allowing you to make progress faster.

Although creatine offers several advantages, there can also be disadvantages for cyclists. One important point is that creatine causes an increase in fluid in the muscles, which can result in an increase in body weight. This extra weight can have a negative effect on performance, because you have to carry more weight while cycling. Especially during training or competitions with a lot of elevation, this can be a disadvantage. Despite the possible increase in strength, creatine may not be the most suitable choice in such cases.

All Amacx products are manufactured in accordance with the standards of the NZVT system and therefore bear the NZVT logo. This guarantees that Amacx is safe for use by athletes. However, the importance of pure supplements also extends to amateur athletes. After all, everyone deserves products that are free of polluting and harmful substances or misleading labels. With our advanced manufacturing techniques, our emphasis on quality assurance and certification by the independent NZVT, you can be confident that you are receiving an unadulterated product.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Miguel Crespo

Qualidade Top

Creatine performance benefits for muscle and brain

Creatine is one of the best-known and most-used supplements worldwide. In the United States alone, this supplement accounts for annual sales of more than $400 million. Possibly this is because creatine is one of the most researched performance-enhancing supplements, and the scientific evidence for it is very strong. The benefits then lie mainly in increasing muscle mass through strength training. Recently, however, more directions have been found in which creatine can play a positive role. 

If creatine can also add value for you, read this blog.

creatine EF

Amacx Supplements

The Amacx Supps Line is specifically developed to improve both the health and performance of athletes. The products in the Sups Line contain health-enhancing ingredients such as minerals, vitamins and trace elements, as well as performance-enhancing ingredients such as creatine, caffeine and nitrate.

Our experts have carefully chosen the right ingredients and dosages. In addition, each supplement has been thoroughly researched and scientifically tested for effectiveness. This not only ensures that all products in the Supps Line fit together perfectly, but also that they can be excellently combined with the products from one of our other lines.

Whether you are before or after an athletic challenge, regardless of whether you are a recreational athlete or an elite athlete, with the Supps Line you no longer have to worry about the right support for your health and performance. Explore our extensive assortment and Upgrade Your Limits!

Sports nutritionist Martijn Redegeld from Amacx

Martijn Redegeld, sports nutritionist at Amacx Sports Nutrition, has been closely involved in optimizing and expanding the Amacx range. 

"Within the Amacx Sups-Line, you'll find all the supplements that can support the performance and health of an athlete, whether professional or recreational. All supplements are developed based on the latest scientific insights."

Martijn Redegeld